

Modhan Clàrachaidh
Enrolment Procedures

Learning a second language can be very difficult and requires families and the school to work closely to support the children as they progress through the different phases of immersion and bilingualism. Sending your children to a school where they are taught through another language can be challenging so we want to ensure that parents are making an informed decision about Gaelic Medium Education (GME). We encourage and expect parents to learn the Gaelic language so that it is used as much as possible outside of the school environment and not just seen as something that is done in school. We are creating the next generation of Gaelic language users and as such the partnership between families and the school community is crucial.

Clàrachadh Sgoil-àraich | Nursery Enrolment

If your child is granted a place in the nursery, you will be invited along to fill in enrolment forms giving us up to date information about your family and your child in particular. You will be shown round the nursery and will meet the staff who will look after your child. Once admitted all places are reviewed at least twice a year. It is important that the nursery is kept up to date with any changes in circumstances. Home visits may be arranged in exceptional circumstances.

Clàrachadh Bun-sgoile | Primary Enrolment

Every October we host an “Open Day” to provide information about the school, Gaelic Medium Education and the opportunities available for the pupils. The Primary DHT works closely with the Early Year Heads of Gaelic establishments to establish and implement (along with school staff) a transition programme throughout the year.

Registration of children who will have attained the age of 5 years between 1 March 2023 and 28 February 2024 takes place in the month of November 2022. Registration must be completed online by visiting Glasgow City Council Website – Schools and Learning – Enrolment. Families living outwith the catchment area are welcome to make a placing request to attend Glasgow Gaelic School but must enrol their child at their local school as a first step. Further information is available using the following

In Bun-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu we have developed a structured induction programme for all children coming to P1 in August 2023 who are currently in a Gaelic Medium Early Years establishment. This transition programme starts from very early in the session and incorporates events and activities to support the children, parents and staff from the nurseries and Primary 1. Once we have the information on children who do not attend a Gaelic nursery the Depute Head liaises with the various nurseries they attend. Close liaison between pre-school establishments and Bun-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu ensures a positive successful start to the children’s primary school careers.

In the period from April to June 2023, we work alongside Early Years Scotland to plan a series of ‘Stay and Play”sessions.  The children and parents are invited in small groups to get to know the school environment and key staff.  We also have two induction sessions in June whereby all the children will spend time in a P1 classroom with a teacher.   Parents are also invited on these days to join us for a coffee and to hear about the things their child will be doing during their first year at school.

Clàrachadh Àrd-sgoile | Secondary Enrolment

Moving from Primary to Secondary is an important milestone in the life of a young person and although quite an exciting time can also be a bit daunting. We try to alleviate any anxiety by organising a number of transition activities to familiarise the young person with his or her new surroundings, introduce them to the staff, visit the various classrooms and participate in some class activities. Our associated Primary Schools include:

Bun-sgoil Ghleann Dail (Glendale Gaelic Primary) and Bun-sgoil Baile Ghobhainn (Govan Gaelic Primary).

Over the school year our associated Primary School P7 classes are involved in a range of transition activities e.g. interdisciplinary projects, organised science workshops, financial education training, literacy and numeracy projects. These different experiences allow both staff and the young people the opportunity to build relationships, familiarise pupils with their new surroundings and ease the transition process.

We host an Open Day for prospective S1 parents towards the end of October/beginning of November. In May we have an Induction Evening for parents and pupils to discuss key issues and give an overview of the work of the school.

Pupils then spend two days in the Secondary School following a timetable and getting to know staff. Families living outwith Glasgow City should make a placing request to attend Àrd-sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu. Prospective parents are welcome to visit the school and should contact the school office.

Further information is available on

To support pupils and provide information to parents and carers re Transition from BGE to Senior Phase, an Information Session is held towards the end of S3 with presentations from Skills Development Scotland, representatives from colleges, the Commonwealth Apprenticeship Initiative, Vocational Education and senior pupils.

The Senior Phase provides opportunities for pupils to participate in Awards delivered within the school or to engage with Vocational courses at college. Pupils in S6 may also attend another secondary school for Highers (e.g. Psychology, Theatre Studies) or Advanced Highers (e.g. Chemistry, Biology) or the Hub at Glasgow Caledonian University for subjects not delivered in Àrd-sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu. These opportunities, in conjunction with Work Experience programmes, contribute to transition from school to post school learning, training or work as appropriate.

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